
Delivery – Terms of sale

The sales contract made through the website is intended for all legal purposes, concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law and complies with the regulations governing distance sales, namely Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6/09/2005 – Consumption Code. For any disputes arising out of the termination of this contract, the territorial jurisdiction is that of the customer’s residence, considered in all respects a consumer. For all other cases where the customer is not a consumer, the competent forum is exclusively that of Bari.

The execution of the order implies for the customer the prior knowledge of these general conditions of sale as well as the full acceptance, including the following payment methods. The customer is not entitled to any damages or damages, for direct or indirect damages to things or persons, arising from both the failure to accept, even partial, an order, non-delivery or cancellation of the order.

Delivery takes place directly at the domicile indicated by the customers at the time of order. Usually shipment of goods takes place within 72 hours of the order and deliveries are made to express couriers who have the task of delivering them directly to the buyer’s domicile. The goods travel at our own risk and danger and deliveries can take place between 2 and 3 working days. The delivery of what is ordered is made by road-going couriers.
At the time of delivery of the goods by the courier, the Customer is required to check:
– the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the document accompanying the goods;
– that the packaging is intact, not damaged, neither wet nor otherwise altered.

Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or the lack of correspondence to the number of packages or indications must be immediately disputed to the courier, by providing WRITTEN RESERVE (SPECIFYING THE RESERVE MOTION, eg “ruined packing”, “crushed packing” , etc.) on the courier delivery test. Once the courier’s document is signed, the Customer will not be able to challenge any of the external features of the delivery. If the ordered products are temporarily unavailable, we will inform you in time.

For any report, complaint, or request for order information, you can contact the address directly: by citing the order number assigned and returning to the order confirmation sent via Email.

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